Tracey Lott Ceremonies

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a celebrant? 

A celebrant is an individual who is trained to provide you with a unique, meaningful, and personalised ceremony. For e.g., at a wedding ceremony, vow renewal ceremony, naming ceremony or funeral ceremony.

What is a celebrant led wedding?

A celebrant-led ceremony gives you the flexibility of having a ceremony that is tailored to your personalities, relationship, and guests. A celebrant led ceremony will also be a lot more personal, as your celebrant is someone you’ve chosen, and who has a personal relationship and connection with you as a couple – to find out more look at my “What is a celebrant led wedding blog” on the blog page

Is a celebrant led wedding legally binding?

At present a celebrant led ceremony is not a legal and binding way to get married.

What do I need to complete for the legal element of the marriage?

If you wish to be legally wed, you can do this by going to your local registry office. There is no requirement to exchange vows or rings, you can save these for your Celebrant led ceremony.

What is a Registrar?

A Registrar is someone that is employed by the local authority to conduct legally binding marriage and civil partnership ceremonies?

What is the difference between a Registrar and Celebrant wedding ceremonies?

The registrar-led ceremony is a legally binding contract and will be the same for everyone who is married at that location or licenced venue on that day, whereas celebrant-led ceremonies can be tailored to suit each couple’s needs and wants and can be held anywhere.

Do I need to be legally married before my Celebrant led wedding ceremony?

No, you can get legally married at any time before or after the Celebrant ceremony. In fact, some couples are quite happy with just the Celebrant Ceremony and never get legally wed.

Where can I have my Celebrant led wedding service?

Actually almost anywhere, at home, in a garden, in a marquee, any venue that is happy to host your ceremony, on the beach, in a woods, let your imagination take you there! The venue does not need to be licenced for weddings as the ceremony is not legally bound. I would suggest a backup plan for an outdoor wedding though, just in case of rain.

Do you offer same sex weddings?

Yes, I offer wedding ceremonies for any couple of any sexual preference or gender orientation.

I want to write my own wedding vows, but I don’t think I will be able to say them on the day, can you help me?

Yes. I can either rad them out to you sentence by sentence, so that you can speak to your partner, or I can read them out to your partner for you.

Does it matter what culture, faith, or religion I am?

Absolutely not, in fact may couples have different faiths and I can cater for this in the ceremony.

Do I have to have the ceremony at a set time?

No, in fact you can have the ceremony at any time if the Celebrant and your guests of course are available to attend.

Can I include my pet in the wedding ceremony?

Yes of course if the venue allows pets, however, I suggest that they are generally well behaved and not disruptive. Personally, I may draw the line at snakes and spiders…

Can I include readings and poems in the ceremony?

Yes, you can have readings and poems, I can help you choose them if you need some ideas.

Can I include music and hymns?

Yes, you can, depending in whether the music is recorded or live, you may have to liaise with the venue/ wedding planner/ musician etc.

How long will the ceremony last?

Generally, between 20 – 40 minutes.

Do I have to wear a formal wedding dress or suit?

No, you can wear whatever you feel comfortable wearing.